Tax Billionaires
How much would Jeff Bezos owe if a Billionaire's Income Tax was enacted now? $35 BILLION! Let's send him a tax bill.

Send him a digital bill on Twitter: @JeffBezos Here's your tax bill per the Billionaire's Income Tax we're urging Congress to pass. Working people pay income taxes on our wages annually while you pay little to none. It's prime time for you to pay what you owe. #TaxBillionaires @womensmarch
Send Jeffrey a tax bill via post

Download and print our handy postcard file on 8.5" x 11" card stock. Next, write, address, stamp, and post! You'll need a 40 cent stamp.
Greetings Jeff,
We've prepared your tax bill per the Billionaire's Income Tax we're urging Congress to pass. It's prime time for you to pay what you owe like the rest of us do EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Welcome to tax season! Sincerely, A tax paying American
MAIL TO Jeff Bezos c/o Amazon 410 Terry Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109-5210
Show us your handiwork! Take a pic of your postcard and post it on socials tagging @JeffBezos and @womensmarch
Download Printable Postcards: Bezos Tax Bill
application/pdf - 423 kB
Tell Congress to Pass a Billionaire's Income Tax

Every year, working people pay income taxes on our wages while many billionaires pay no income taxes at all on billions of dollars of investment gains from corporate stocks and other assets. When billionaires do pay taxes, their tax rate is far below what nurses, teachers and firefighters pay. It’s time billionaires pay their fair share of taxes and play by the same rules as the rest of us. When they do, we can help working families struggling with higher costs to afford healthcare, prescription drugs, childcare, eldercare, education, housing and gas. Sign our petition to Congress in partnership with Americans for Tax Fairness.