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Healthcare, not Handcuffs!

Did you know: corrupt judges and anti-abortion lawmakers across the country aren’t just stopping at abortion bans, but are threatening people with arrest and jail time for simply getting an abortion and helping a loved one do so? They are showing us what their real agenda is: punishing abortion seekers, loved ones who help them, as well as doctors and providers, so that we are afraid to get the care we need.

Nobody should live in fear of making the health care decision that’s right for them. Making abortion a crime makes us all less safe.

These anti-abortion extremists are passing abortion bans and abusing existing laws to threaten us with jail time not just for getting an abortion, but for helping someone access abortion pills, or even sharing information about how to get an abortion! These attacks harm all pregnant people, but in particular LBGTQ+ people, Black and brown people, immigrants, those living paycheck to paycheck, and other marginalized groups, who have always been disproportionately surveilled and targeted by law enforcement. We’ve had enough and we’re fighting back! 

Women across the country are sending a loud and clear message to these fascists in our government — we won’t back down! We won’t stand by while our sisters are being sent to jail! We decide what’s best for our bodies, our health, and our families. We deserve dignity and care, not punishment!

We are fighting for a country where everyone who needs an abortion can get it, without shame or fear! People seeking care should be met with love and compassion, not judgment and punishment!