
Ginna Green

Board Chair

Ginna Green joined Bend the Arc: Jewish Action in July 2018 as Chief Strategy Officer. In this role, she oversees the work of the advocacy and electoral, communications, and organizing teams bringing Jewish values and a Jewish voice to the fight for social justice in the United States. Previously, Ginna was Managing Director of the Democracy Collaborative at ReThink Media. There she led the team focused on building the communications capacity of advocates reducing the power of big money in politics, ensuring fair and diverse courts, and protecting and expanding voting rights. Prior to ReThink, she managed communications for the California office and for small-dollar loans at the Center for Responsible Lending, and served as Director of Public Relations at Full Court Press Communications in Oakland, Calif. She has also worked with The OpEd Project, SPIN Academy, and AlterNet, has written for the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Salon, and Newsweek, among others, and appeared on local, national, and international television, radio and film. Ginna is the co-editor of The Paradox of Loyalty: An African-American Response to the War on Terrorism, an alum of Bend the Arc's Jeremiah Fellowship and Selah leadership programs, a native Southerner, and the mother of four terrific kids.